Hourly Custom Generated Weather Charts (Click on an image for a larger view and to zoom into each state )

To aid in forecasting, plus to give details of current conditions throughout Australia, these charts are automatically generated at 35 minutes past each hour using METAR, SYNOP and Radar data made publicly available from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).
Click on each chart for a larger version and to be able to zoom in to each state.

Synoptic Chart (Sea Level Pressure)

Temperature (°C)

Wind Direction

Relative Humidity (%)

Station Plots

Temperature Gradient

Rainfall Gradient (9am - 9am)



Brisbane Area Charts (Click on an image for a larger view)


Wind Direction

Rainfall Gradient (9am - 9am)

Temperature Gradient


YBBN Atmospheric Sounding Charts - 00z and 12z (Click on an image for a larger view)


Brisbane 00z
Updated: 1 Feb 2013 - 11:35 (AEST)


Brisbane 12z
Updated: 31 Jan 2013 - 23:35 (AEST)